These Arbitron Ratings were what I was able to get a hold of during the time WWDJ was in existence.
This is the demographic that WWDJ was after. Note how well they did for a while
July/August 1971 October/November 1971 January/February 1972 April/May 1972
July/August 1972 October/November 1972 January/February 1973 April/May 1973
July/August 1973 October/November 1973
ARBITRON RATINGS-Total Persons 12+
July/August 1971 October/November 1971 January/February 1972 April/May 1972
July/August 1972 October/November 1972 January/February 1973 April/May 1973
July/August 1973 October/November 1973
Note ! If anyone reading this finds any errors, etc., no matter how small they may be
please E-Mail me.